07 mai 2006


I was reading about a couple of guys who built a lego robot to play Super Mario Bros (lame design, by the way, punching buttons on a preprogrammed timing is just lame, use a camera and digital analysis next time).
side note: hey, trying to teach a computer to play Super Mario Bros may be way cool, or just to start, play Tetris cuz it's simpler. I'll need to try something when I get around buying a webcam.
Well, anyway, so plenty of people bash those two for their design and not using a cam (just like I did) until one comment hits the nerve:

21. One could make a lego robot that manipulates the controls of.. another lego robot.. I'm not going any further.

Doesn't that feel powerful? I can already picture a lego construction with a chain of little robots, each controlling the next one until the last controls the first one. An infinite loop made of legos :p

Well, to tell the truth, I've been eyeing the Lego Mindstorms NXT, hitting the shelves in August and going for the bargain price of "around 250 to 300 euros". Can anyone lend me a shoulder, I need to cry... and find a job, so I can have money and buy half a dozen sets, in addition to a car, a computer and an iPod.
The worst is that the specifications of the "brain-brick" is open-source, the magic word :-D Yup, am having shivers from anticipation.

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