13 septembre 2006

yup, I'm officially grown up!!!

Yesterday, I had officially worked for 3 months with my current employer.
Meaning, under the french legislation, that I am now a fully-fledged undismissable salaryman. Yay!!
So I decided to offer myself a worthy gift. Dream, think... A car, a computer, a bike, new clothes, another hat... Nope. A beer, a restaurant, a movie, a concert... Nope. A vaccuum cleaner.
And a movie.
I'll pay myself a restaurant this week end, maybe. If I can be accompanied. The machiavelic plan I've just fomented would be to invite cute coworker to a japanese I want to try, and keep the boyfriend at bay. Would be a nice replacement for the circus that sold out for this very saturday :D and which boyfriend didn't want to see. Hmm, sounds good!!!

Driving exam is postponed to sept, 21st, btw.

Nothing else to report, that I know of.

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Watch The Science of Sleep! the Science of Sleep! It's sooo good.
Congratulations on your undismissable salaryman status!
And it's not an easy task, finding the right vacuum cleaner. Just go with your gut feeling. Heh.

tommpouce a dit…

went for cheap-but-silent-yet-powerful one. Science of sleep not anymore at my usual theater, will have to find alternate solution. Thanx for the advice :D

Mik a dit…

i realised i was all grown up as well when I went and bought a vacuum cleaner... on my first anniversary... of course i totally forgot it was my anniversary and only remembered later so it shouldn't count... or should it? hehe