08 août 2009

I shall set you free.

iPhone is jailbroken.

I lost my iPod some time ago. Plus it was an old generation. Colour, video (never used that, mind you), but no touchscreen, no wifi/3G. And lower than an antique Creative on the coolness scale. So I bought meself a 32GB 3GS, in black. Received it today round noon. It's got video, and a frigging compass. And copy-paste. Oh by the way, that manipulation is awkward.
I've already downloaded a huge number of free stuff, and removed most of it. I've kept Doom (after jaibreaking it), EveryTrail, the public transport timetables and TV. I'll probably never play Doom, but it's still cooler than the iSaber or the PhoneFart. And it's not on the Appstore!!
The only current PITA is the whole Linux and Apple do NOT talk to each other situation. Which means, I've got to switch to Vista to run iTunes.
I'm now looking for some more software: a remote control for VLC and Rhythmbox (and the PS3), a good ebook reader that accepts open formats and comics, and a spreadsheet tool. All of those free. And a Willi Waller 2006 Simulator.

It also means I'm hard to reach on my cellphone until August 17th. Having switched provider (Byebye red, Hello turquoise, blue and orange), my number is being "portabilitated" until then and so I have a temporary number.