19 août 2006

tough times behind, tougher times ahead

So I screwed up... big time... at work... before the end of my 3-month trial.
If the client turns sadistic, heads may roll, and I'm the first in line.
Nothing dangerous happened, noone was put in any kind of danger, no priceless equipment was lost and no bunny was harmed in the making of that episode. We only spent a number of weeks doing out supplier's job, and I didn't realize they manipulated us until it was too late.
So a mail was sent to the higher-ups by "the lab" even though "the design office" (that means me and the team) should have reacted first. Expect finger-pointing to happen. The client will blame us, the lab will blame us, and they'll just say we should have kept the supplier's in check.
I hate being tricked, I hate being caught being tricked, and I'm going to read every frigging paper that defines even the smallest responsibilities and task allocation.

Plan of action:
  • write down the reasons I didn't pull the alarm
  • point fingers to other negligent people who should have noticed
  • point out "that's the way it works with the supplier" mentality before I came in
  • update resume
On a side note, why does everyone have to try to screw everyone?? Goddamnit, that drives me mad. That has to be the american way to success, talk nice, play dirty, abuse people. And I don't give a shit if it offends anybody.

12 août 2006

Week end update

The musical circus event was great!!
If you have the chance, go watch Les Acrostiches, or Pulcinella, the jazz band I went to see 10 days ago. Both performances are really amazing.

Met two ex colleagues from my time at airbus last year. We've decided to meet again at a restaurant next week or the one after. I hope they bring in a couple of guys from the service, haven't seen the troops in a while.
I was thouroughly impressed by the talent and the imagination of Les Acrostiches. Le guest-star/musicien/4ieme acrostiche est d'une inventivite incroyable. Il a beaucoup joue en particulier d'un instrument qu'ils appellent le 'ang, qui s'ecrit le hang, qui sonne un peu comme un steeldrum, avec une esthetique et un son zen. Et quand on vous dira d'ou est originaire le hang, croyez-le, meme si ca a l'air d'une blague.
Il faut absolument que j'en trouve un album, et si je m'ecoutais, je m'en offrirais un, pour voir. Ca a l'air tout simple a jouer, mais tout a l'air tout simple a jouer quand ce sont des musiciens chevronnes qui en jouent.

Le match de squash de vendredi a ete difficile, j'ai perdu les 3 manches officielles puis les 2 officieuses avant la fin des 40 minutes. Tres peu de courbatures ce soir, mon corps s'habitue assez vite a l'effort violent que ca represente. Ca ne m'a pas empeche de passer l'apres match a souffrir d'un muscle refroidi trop vite dans le bas du dos par contre. Je suis alle voir le film Qui m'aime me suive, qui tres sincerement ne vaut rien. Histoire facile, previsible qui se tient sagement dans les limites de l'acceptable et evite toutes les difficultes, personnages fades, musique moyenne. Bref, decu.

Le week end se deroule plutot tranquillement, j'irai peut etre faire un tour au jardin des plantes demain, je ne l'ai pas encore visite. Sinon, j'irai faire un tour de rollos le long du canal du midi. J'ai toujours pas regle mes platines. A moins ke velo peut etre. On verra bien...

Lundi boulot, je ne fais pas le pont mais je passerai la soiree chez des amis. Mardi repos. Mercredi pas squash, je suis en essais toute l'apres midi et il y a des risques que je finisse trop tard pour etre sur le cours a temps. Donc un collegue jouera pour moi. I may go to the wednesday skating ride instead. And I'll take that decision when it's time to.

09 août 2006

long week, bad concert, mucho sport

So last week was kinda long too, with some tough times at work. Damn box broke down with the latest patch, completely.
I went cheer for a colleague who happens to be a model plane pilot (good model plane pilot) with another colleague. We drove for a couple of hours in the Pyrenees, great roads, narrow tyres, screeching sounds from the four corners of the car, got busted by a century-old Renault 16 driven by an old dutchman (the car had the really really old blue plates from holland).
Monday was good, I went to see 2 colleagues play squash.
Tuesday was really long, we had a test session at 7:30AM, and a squash tournament at 7:40PM. Was driven back home at around 00:15.
Tonight, I tried to go to a concert, but it was sold out, went to the other one that seemed as good, but they had lied, it wasn't good. Left after 20 minutes, couldn't see the scene, and chamber music doesn't feel intimate when you share it with 500 people.
Tomorrow, I'll watch a circus/concert event that looks promising.
Friday, I'm playing squash again.
Am working monday, bank holidays tuesday, squash wednesday
Somewhere in the mean time, I'll need to fine tune my speed skates.

That's not the post I planned to write but then again, posts never turn out the way they're supposed to, just like kids.