19 août 2006

tough times behind, tougher times ahead

So I screwed up... big time... at work... before the end of my 3-month trial.
If the client turns sadistic, heads may roll, and I'm the first in line.
Nothing dangerous happened, noone was put in any kind of danger, no priceless equipment was lost and no bunny was harmed in the making of that episode. We only spent a number of weeks doing out supplier's job, and I didn't realize they manipulated us until it was too late.
So a mail was sent to the higher-ups by "the lab" even though "the design office" (that means me and the team) should have reacted first. Expect finger-pointing to happen. The client will blame us, the lab will blame us, and they'll just say we should have kept the supplier's in check.
I hate being tricked, I hate being caught being tricked, and I'm going to read every frigging paper that defines even the smallest responsibilities and task allocation.

Plan of action:
  • write down the reasons I didn't pull the alarm
  • point fingers to other negligent people who should have noticed
  • point out "that's the way it works with the supplier" mentality before I came in
  • update resume
On a side note, why does everyone have to try to screw everyone?? Goddamnit, that drives me mad. That has to be the american way to success, talk nice, play dirty, abuse people. And I don't give a shit if it offends anybody.

6 commentaires:

tommpouce a dit…

Hey :-) As ususal, I overdramatized a bit. Though this had to be the worst week end in a long time. And I may yet hear from it in the future.
I'm still overworked, but I'll be leaving early for the rest of the week, no matter who says what. Except tomorrow cuz we're having a squash session.
And yup, I'll connect to Yahoo more often ;-)

Anonyme a dit…

Wow, I did a doubletake after reading the 'why i didnt pull the alarm' bit. I hope everything's well, though. If it wasn't your fault the consider yourself free from the mess. I hate the hostility of a workplace as well - the double meanings, the encouraging words laced with poison, the being tricked part, like you mentioned. Sucks. Hope things work out. Update us about it! Loads of positive vibes your way.

tommpouce a dit…

Hey kala :-) thanks for the encouraging words!! The first consequence is that I'm going to think about myself first and ensure I can't be targeted as easily from now on. Should be okay though!
We just did the squash session that showed I still need to evacuate a lot of stress, but I'm taking the friday off ang going to paris for the week end (gotta make sure the captain Harlock spaceport is still up and running)

Anonyme a dit…

hey! we're in paris by the end of october. if you go to paris often, let us know and let's meet up, whaddaya say! (cheerleader voice) maybe go rollerblading with julien and i, or maybe just having a welcome drink in our future *urk* apartment. I'll show you my carton spacefort. It's nifty!

tommpouce a dit…

I can travel to paris pretty often, I just need to take half a day off on friday. The only thing is that I'm already intruding on the same friends over and over again. They know I can be obnoxious, but there are limits I don't want to cross, namely going to paris, using their flat as a base and going to see people left and right.
But yeah, we can definitely plan something.
Now, off to bed, frigging late and tomorrow is a work day...

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