06 janvier 2007

why a blog? why a new bike?

that question occured to me a number of times already.

I'm not much of a writer, my life is rather boring, I can spend the longest time without writing anything, and when I decide to write I realize before I start writing that the post is yet again not going to turn out the way I wanted. Which means it will probably turn out worse than I wanted, not relaying what I did want to tell (and just plainly boring).

To the point.
I've been looking into a replacement for my current bicycle, which does the job efficiently but nothing more. It doens't look good, it doesn't look elegant, it doesn't have personality except "I'd like to look like an elegant dutch bike, but I'm too cheap-ass to manage it". So I've looked into real lookers, like this one:

Fantastic, right? 22.3 kg, no brakes, except back-pedaling ones. Yeah right.

I hate compromise, compromise makes everyone unhappy. So, no, I'm not going to buy another city bikes like this one:

(that's the one I have, the wheels are too small to look good, the frame bends, the saddle isn't comfortable, it's too small altogether, the fenders are wrong, the wheel chain isn't fully enclosed, it looks like it was "designed by committee".
I can live with it, honest. But I don't LIKE it, and I'm not PROUD of it. I don't want to show it to everyone (apart to point out that I ride to work 4 almost everyday).

So, as my teachers said:"I don't care about your problems, I only care about your solutions".

I hereby bring you my solution to my very own problem:

Yeah, I know "no compromise". But gawd, it looks gorgeous, it turns heads, and it has THAAAAAAAAT MUCH PERSONALITY. So, until I realize This Is A Bad Idea (tm), I'll be looking to buy one of these, some time in a year. As I've been thinking almost exlusively about this for the better part of 2 months now, I'll probably write more about it in the coming months).

And I'm still looking to go to Oz within a year or so. The trike may wait, friends have waited long enough (wink, wink).

6 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

The problem with the last bike is that when it's raining, you're going to have water splashed all over your body as opposed to just the cuffs of your pants.
But other than that, I agree - the third one looks gorgeous!
Not to mention you can just fold your hands behind your head and lean back while pedaling leisurely!
You're going to Oz? So cool!
But do keep writing, even if it's n'importe quoi!
And happy new year!

tommpouce a dit…

Hey Kala, hope you can finally eat bacon :p
You have a point, there are a few problems with that tricycle, including wetting my pants every time it rains, au sens propre.
I'm already looking into solutions to this problem and the others.
More in an upcoming post :p

I've told Aussie Pinay I'd try to meet them within a year ot so.

Mik a dit…

Aussie Pinay?! whodat? LOL
get your gorgusss bike lol the travel thing will come. besides, i'll need at least a year to fix (read:clean) my spare room :))

tommpouce a dit…

Hey mik!! I thought later that maybe that wasn't quite appropriate :p but I guess you've read it before I could modify it...
ATM, I'm just trying to save up as much as I can, to pay for both the trip and the bike. I'll fly over when we all think it's the right time :p
Anyway, I'll need to save up for a year for that bike. Costs mucho big $$$.6t

Mik a dit…

eek! lol
i also have to get my driver's license before you come over lol and at the rate am (not) going, well... we'll see how it goes :P

Anonyme a dit…

well.. it's like I thought!