23 septembre 2006

"t'es un adulte, maintenant"

Following Apol's Le LTO post about her having received her driving licence, I've managed the feat of not scaring the daylight out of my inspector and thus, I have officially been stamped [approved for driving].
I need to return to the driving school on monday or tuesday to get the yellow paper that gives me the right to drive until my official driving licence is processed.
I have now been accepted as an "adulte" by my fellow coworkers.

And I'm in the process of finding both the insurance and the car, and of celebrating. Happened thursday night at my company's quarterly meeting, yesterday, at a street performers' gathering with a friend and one of her friend, and tonight, with yet other friends.
Damn, life is tough...

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

CONGRATULATIONS TOMMPOUCE!!!! And at the first try too! Woohoo, I demand a joyride, drunk and under the influence.... uh, no, not a good idea hehehe.


Anonyme a dit…

So now we have to call you MONSIEUR TOMMPOUCE, yes?

tommpouce a dit…

Hey, girls :D There's still no car in sight. Insurances are way out of control in france, and it's going to be tough not spending to much on it.
So as long as I remain a cyclist, tommpouce will do, I guess ;-)