24 septembre 2006

I like boudin noir

and I consider myself tagged

How do you like your eggs?: with potatoes and cheese, in omelet

How do you take your coffee/tea: coffee, as prepared at work, black, no sugar. Or cappuccino if available. Tea, strong, black, no sugar, maybe with honey.

Favorite breakfast foods: No breakfast, but a massive bowl of milk with cereals is nice. Plus another helping of cereals. And a rhubarb jam tartine.

Peanut butter: the original, the dutch one. The Calve brand, and none of that american stuff. But not more than a tea spoon a month.

What kind of dressing on your salad?: It all depends on the salad, but balsamic vinegar and olive oil is a good start.

Coke or Pepsi?: Coke, Diet Lemon if possible.

You're feeling lazy. What do you make?: take-away

You're feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order?: 4 cheese; tex-mex with jalapeno peppers; goat cheese and honey.

You feel like cooking. What do you make?: A salad, with what's in stock.

Do any foods bring back good memories?: Yup, Nems will always remind me of my regular visits to the Hopital pour Enfants Robert Debre. Not actually a good memory, but the meal afterwards meant I could forget it until the next visit, 6 months later.

Do any foods remind you of someone?: Rhubarb jam, noone does it like my father, noone. Creme Peruvienne, my father's mother. Scenery inspired birthday cakes, my other grandma... Lots

Is there a food you refuse to eat?: I don't consider it food, but there are meats I'm never going to eat. And then, oysters and snails. I don't intend to try insects either.

What was your favorite food as a child? Ask my mom, I wouldn't know.

Is there a food that you hated as a child but now love? not really. I don't enjoy cooked vegetables, but it's just not something I love much.

Is there a food that you loved as a child but now hate? Pumpkin soup, yuck.

Favorite fruit & vegetable: Fruit: watermellon. Vegetable: does salad count?

Favorite junk food: junk food in general. MacDonald's and Quick are safe bets on any given day.

Favorite between meal snack: cereal bars, cheese, ham, sweets

Do you have any weird food habits: Why cook when you can buy?

You're on a diet. What food(s) do you fill up on? Not applicable

How spicy do you order Indian/Thai? It's never that spicy in france anyway.

Can I get you a drink? Menthe a l'eau, orangina, coke, beer, water, white wine, milk, fruit juice...

Red wine or white? What's the main dish?

We only have beer: A bitter ale, a stout, an amber, a belgian white...

Favorite dessert? tarte tatin forever!!!!

2 commentaires:

Mik a dit…

MDR @ "tarte tatin forever!" and "4-cheese; tex-mex with jalapeno peppers; goat cheese and honey'?!
i'm hungry.

tommpouce a dit…

not all of these ingredients together :D but these are my usual choices when I raid the Domino's Pizza, just like in Bristol!