09 janvier 2008


Photo stolen from the internet. You remember my camera's is empty, right?

Yes, I have bought a rice cooker, finally. 30 euros, who doesn't have one? You have 30 minutes to buy one and come back. Now.

Onigiris. I had always thought it would be a great idea to cook my own and bring them to work for the lunch break. Slightly out of the ordinary and totally japanese. They seemed completely idiotic to make, except maybe for the moulding into the right triangular shape.
So last saturday, I went to Darty, looked at the cheapest models and bought the second cheapest then came back home. Then I went out again to the local asian supermarked, skipped the 50kgs bags of rice and bought nori sheets, sesame, multiple cans of fruit juice (don't try drinking aloe vera juice, trust me), sushi vinegar and sushi sauce and came back home. Then went out yet again to the local supermarket for plain-but-not-long-grain rice and came back home with a reasonable quantity of riz camarguais.

The first experiment was a success, even the moulding is easy. I really should have tried sooner. But as I expected, it doesn't taste much. Sesame grings color but little more and nori isn't enough. The japanese usually put something inside the rice ball that adds flavour, umeboshi and salmon usually. I will need to experiment a little around those possibilities. Seasoned salt was something readily accessible in my depleted cupboards that I will use again.
And I don't need much to feel completely full.

One other idea I'm toying with is to try to sweet route.
Mix dried apricots cut in small cubes in the rice before leaving it to cool.
Rub sugar instead of salt on palms before picking up the rice.
Use some candied fruit as a filling
Wrap ???? around the rice ball to ease the handling.

I just need to find the ???? and try. Anyone has ideas?

3 commentaires:

kala a dit…

I don't have a rice cooker. I'm a disappointment to Filipinos everywhere! :D

I sometimes make makis and sushi for J to bring to work for lunch too. He totally loves it when I make them for his lunch at work, and wins the confidence of his Japanese collegues as well (he brings lunch because for a site that huge, it takes 20 minutes to drive to the canteen)!

Are you putting enough sushi vinegar on your rice? It's what gives the real flavour to the sumeshi.

Here's a site that will really give you ideas: www.sushiday.com. I stumbled upon it when I was starting to experiment with Japanese food, and I still find gems in this site. Oh and do share your successful recipe discoveries too :D

tommpouce a dit…

Well, if you enjoy cooking rice the hard way :p I

Haven't tried sushi yet, but I'm less scared now that I managed the rice part alright. There's no vinegar in onigiri rice, I'm told so it's not really sumeshi but plain gohan. I'll try with it some time though.

Thanks for the site, I'll have a look.

BTW, what site could be so big that it takes 20 minutes to drive through? A sand storage facility?

kala a dit…

I was thinking maybe you could cut a nori into tiny strips, like confetti, to add to the rice for flavour.

Re: the site: it's a 7km gas liquefaction site. I visited it. It's a giant snake of tubes, flares, and a whole lot of construction. Mind-boggling & impressive, if you're into that kind of thing. It kind of makes sense that 75% of the habitants in Qatar are expatriates.