10 juillet 2006

What, a month already?

And at the same time, it's only been a month?
Work's progressing fast, I'm understanding more and more almost every day, and the first official tasks have been given to me. Proof reading of external documents, follow up on test results, minutes of meeting writing...
And I'm better familiarised with the documentation, how it works and how it does not work.
The workforce has also increased, they were 1 1/2 working out supplier before I arrived, then I came in, then one guy came in last week and today the two last newbies arrived. We're officially good to go.
Except for the IT rights, but that was expected. I may be able to access my profesionnal email next week, and we may have the rights on certain software before august.
The few friends I've talked too tell me I sound cheerful and motivated, gotta believe I enjoy my job then :p
And the team's great, we're 9 working on the system, with 2 suppliers. There's one french black guy, there's one girl, and there's one guy just like me, breathing and living aviation. And a source of information, of course. The three other offices are also pretty lively and the 2 bosses are friendly enough.
I'm pretty sure I can enjoy that experience!!

On other sides, still biking to work, 45 minutes to and 45 from. Nice in the morning, less nice in the evening with temperatures above 30C. In case of emergency, the bus line I took to my previous job extends farther and closer to my new office. It requires a 15 minutes walk, but it's less tiring than cycling all the way.

And I'm flying to holland for the coming 3-day week-end. It's July 14th, national day in france and my plane will depart at 6:05 AM at the airport, close to which my job is. Useless but at least I won't get lost.

On this bright note, I'll hop in bed and pray I can sleep peacefully until tomorrow morning!! After all, the temperature dropped to only 29.x. I'd almost need something to keep warm.

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