03 juillet 2007

So I'm buying it.

It's gonna rip three thousand euros from my bank account, it's gonna be impractical, it's gonna make me look like a nerd/wacko/disabled/attention-whore. But it's gonna be mine.
Don't try to convince me against it. In fact, i've already ordered it and I should have it before August.

Too bad I have a tendinitis developing in my right knee.

2 commentaires:

Mik a dit…

good for you!! :)

sorry to hear about the tendonitis (and am a tad lazy to google it, sooo the inevitable question), but what is it?

tommpouce a dit…

it's an inflammation of the tendon, just below the knee. Doesn't hurt much, but it only heals by not doing anything until it heals. No sports, no cycling, and as little walking as possible. Which I can't do.