18 février 2006

reborn laptop

Yes, the laptop is back, since thrusday afternoon actually.
Nice fright when I started it, as the screen didn't work. And when I rebooted and it worked, the CD drive wasn't recognised and the right speaker picked some electronic noise. I thought I had to send it back for repairs...
Fortunately it was just an unscrewed screw below the CD drive.

So I'm back wasting my time on the internet and watching animes, and NCIS, and Numb3rs, and Lost Season 1.

Feels good :D

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Great to hear your laptop's back!!!

Oooh don't start me on the Lost's first season. I casually picked up the first dvd from the video club, and the lady told me that once I'd started I wouldn't be able to stop. She was right. Now I'm a Lost junkie... just waiting for the next fix!


tommpouce a dit…

Just watched Lost 1x09 with the "discovery" of Ethan who probably is Alex who would be Danielle's child. But I don't know anything about that... Gotta watch 1x10 immediately :D

Apol a dit…

hi, guys! i started watching lost back in manila, loved it, but don't know how to get it here. how do you manage to get episodes? and yes, tommpouce, that was me in the photo with angie... how my flat filipino nose flared, no?

tommpouce a dit…

Hey Apol!! Am downloading it through bittorrent, which in france makes me a pirate, woohoo. Watched all the way through episode 12 yesterday night...
I actually never saw a flat filipino nose face to face, nor a complete filipino either so I wouldn't know :p Flat filipino vs distorted french, seems like a nice nose fight LOL.

Anonyme a dit…

haaaa... ethan... the eternal mystery...

anyway, im on season 2 now. pirating as well :-) im trying very hard not to read the Lost website for spoilers...


PS. Just wondering... what d'ya make of Locke? Pretty creepy dude but i think he's all right...