15 novembre 2005

Major redesign

I've used another template provided by Blogger.
I don't like it (green is yuck, blue is yummy) but its structure is a lot closer to the one I may want in the end. Or it has some elements at least that I want (don't know the CSS tags yet)

So, over the coming days (or weeks) you may find a number of designs being applied at random, just to look for the tag or the structure that interests me.

Ed note: the prompter tells me to tell you that following a discussion with Florence (Le blog de Florence) it appears she is in love with a certain man who she married around 2 months ago after so many years together I don't want to remember. It also appears it's mainly down his appearance on a certain day around 2 months ago. I knew I should have dressed better, I could have been married by now :-p better luck next time LOL.

3 commentaires:

tommpouce a dit…

ben, j'aimais bien en noir moi :p
et surtout j'aime po le vert, faut ke je file sur un theme bleu assez rapidement, paske la, ca me va pas.
Mici :x

Anonyme a dit…

HAHAHAHA! You're hilarious. Every outfit counts. Even when you are dizzy, hung-over, and tired from the rowdy drinking party the night before, what is important is to have neatly pressed and elegant clothing... LOL. just kidding! ;-)

BTW, does "mdr" stand for mort de rire?


tommpouce a dit…

my elegance ends at my shirt that shall not be ironed. Well, if you volunteer, I won't refuse, but I won't do it nor ask anyone to LOL.
Florence can testify on this ;-)