15 mars 2006

Emergency situation - update 2

New interview 28th of March 9AM, close to the airport.
They're interested in Quality Management (blah) and Project Management (super blah)

Points: +10.

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

lucky you! congratulations on your job interview. The question is: do you really want to move to Germany?

I've had so many degrading job interviews these past few months. I know I'm qualified... but they always take the French native speaker, and for that I understand. I can only manage to blurt and stutter my way through an interview, so I'm losing all hope.

Anyway, I think I'll just concentrate on my Code de la Route, because it's The Great Escape.

Again, good luck and I'm crossing my fingers for you!


tommpouce a dit…

Thanks kala :-)
Well, I don't want to go there too much. Weather awful, they have 50 cm of snow at the moment, which is great cuz it means 50 already melt, a friend told me. German is a language I don't like and I'm not absolutely certain I'm qualified for the job.

But yeah, it's good news anyway :) and the ANPE is not gonna cut me off if I can manage to have 2 or 3 more interviews.

How's your code going? I know I hate all questions about overtaking, these will seal my fate.

Anonyme a dit…

yeah, i agree that the weather in toulouse must seem like an island in the sun compared to living in germany!

The overtaking questions are a pain in the ass, i agree. I hate those sneaky retroviseur traps. And what about this question I had just today! There's a car infront that is about to turn. Should you klaxonne? I put No, because it was in an agglomeration. But lo and behold, I should have put Yes, because the head of the man was turned to the opposite direction. I told my teacher that I should have brought a telescope; the photo was too dark and the man's head was around half an inch small.

Also, it's the temps de reaction and the pneu questions that i can't take! I hate the estimations. I hate anything with numbers. And the alcohol content questions, too. Pah.

Sorry for the rant. When are you passing your code? I can't wait to start driving, though.


tommpouce a dit…

Want a nice question with figures? How many meters more do you need to break from 60 kph, compared to 50?....
Answer is 8. But I didn't understand a thing from the explanation, and I'm supposed to be a freaking engineer.
I've had problems with what lights to use "feu de position" or "feu de croisement"??? When foggy, the "feux de positions" can be used with the "feux de brouillard avant" even though you're not in an agglomeration. Right, I knew that NOT.

Am good at ranting too LOL. I don't know when I can take the test, I haven't practiced for a month yet, but I will try to have a go within 2 to 3 weeks.