15 mars 2006

Emergency situation

In 3 weeks, more or less, I'll meet at the ANPE for my second situation review, 3 months after the first one. I will be supposed to show that I have taken the necessary steps to find another job, sent letters, had interviews, responded to job offers...
On the impression I make and on the evidence of my work I can provide, the ANPE will decide if I am working hard enough that I am worth my unemployment indemnities.
And frankly, I am not. I've barely sent a few letters, received almost zero answers, went to zero interviews. And I've done nothing in more than a month now, due to computer crash and code learning. I'm actually making excuses here.
I hate looking for a job, it's one of the most humiliating experiences I've ever had, and a long lasting one at that.
First, I'm checking the APEC (Agence Pour l'Emploi des Cadres) site, the ANPE site, Monster.fr, the Airbus site and the EADS site for job offers. All job offers require either a massive experience, a list of specific capabilities I've never heard about or are in freaking project management, blah...
So when I've found a job offer I can reply to, I need to reply with a proper resume (easy) and a proper cover letter that will tell partial truths about what I do know and not about what I do not know or don't remember. I've never been any good at that, telling what people want to hear and not telling them what they don't want to hear.

So, I'm not sure I can hit enough points to impress the ANPE. That would mean I'd get downgraded to the Revenu Minimum d'Insertion, which won't even pay my rent. The masochistic me almost wants to reach that time when I'll have to do small jobs just to keep afloat, or not.

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