11 mars 2006

I wanted it....

I've lost my first auction today on ebay...
I had registered just for that item, a 1958 book from the Ecole du Personne Navigant d'Essais et de Reception, the french test pilots school, on flight mechanics and flight testing. The bible...
I used it a few years ago to program a flight simulator on Excel during an internship. My tutor had it and lent it to me so I could work out how the equations I needed. I almost hoped he would give it to me at the end of my placement, but it was a signed book by the test pilot from the cover photograph. No chance.
I've been looking for it every so often ever since.
And there it was, even though the picture only showed a diagram on rudder correction in case of engine failure on a twin. I knew it was it, it had the right title, the right look, the right date. And in the middle, somewhere around page 192, there should be the Equation, the one that links the attitude of the plane in space to its trajectory, G, speed, and turn radius in all possible orientations of the plane. That equation was the actual core of my simulation at that time. Everything else was petty details and tedious programming. I of course couldn't take my work with me (not when you're working with the military), and I was sure it would be given to us in the flight dynamics course we'd have the next year. Except we didn't see it.
That was (and still is) the motivation behind the quest.

So I created an account, logged on and auctioned. And I got it for a meager price, until 6 seconds before the end of the auction. Then some lowlife loser played the asshole and got it.

What's the conclusion? Be a lowlife loser yourself and don't play fair. You'll be the loser in the end.

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